spring warm up​s

coming in early may

Warm ups will be held at Ridley High School in early May. The purpose of the spring warm-up program is to prepare swimmers for the summer season. First-time and current swimmers are encouraged to participate.  If you are thinking about joining the swim team for the first time, this is a great place for your child to start. If you are a seasoned swimmer, you know how much this helps in preparation for the summer season. Stay tuned for further information.

Click HERE for More Important Team Info!

swim team​

guiding principles

1. Do not force an unwilling child to swim.

2. Encourage your child to follow the rules. Take the time to review and educate each child on the expectations of behavior.

3. Applaud good effort by your child. Offer praise for competing fairly and trying hard. Personal improvement is just as important as winning!

4. The pool deck is the Coaches’ domain. Any and all questions or comments can be directed to the Coaches via email or after practice. Before and during swim meets and practices, the Coaches will be focused on the swimming/training at hand. Do not attempt to discuss issues with the Coaches during these times.

5. Complaints or concerns about the coaching staff must be posed to the Swim Club's Liasion to the  Board of Directors via email or by appointment.

6. Respect the value of volunteers and officials. They are parents trying to do their job well. Please voice your concerns to Swim Club's Liasion to the  Board of Directors or the Team Representative rather than confronting the officials or volunteers directly.

7. Direct all concerns in a positive, constructive manner. Issues that arise need to be dealt with promptly as it is a short season.

8. Accept your role as an Ambassador for the Springfield Swim Club Swim Team – your behavior and positive support help our community look good!

Summer swimming is an opportunity to have fun with your children, build relationships and enhance your community spirit!


2019 news and information

Summer swimming is an opportunity to have fun with your children, build relationships and enhance your community spirit!

Don't miss the 411...

New this season, we will use Team Unify, a swim team management platform. Everything will be in one place: attendance, email, job signups, meet declaration, calendar of events. Don't miss out on information about the season and upcoming events.

How do I get the 411?

Email us today (or as soon as possible):

Provide us the following information:

Supply one parent as the primary contact/email address:

  • Each Swimmer's First & Last Name
  • Include Swimmer's Middle Initial
  • Your First & Last Name as Primary
  • Email address you wish to make the Primary
  • Additional Email Addresses to add to the account – up to 3 total emails can be registered

Stay in touch! Questions?  Email the Boosters at
or contact Bernadette Kutufaris by email at

Email us!


Copyright © 2020 Springfield Swim Club

swim & DIVE team boosters