Everyone Belongs!
Parent Volunteers make all the difference. All swim team parents are part of the Booster TEAM. Together Everyone Achieves More! A wide range of volunteer opportunities are available - from staffing a station at a meet to creating your own committee and chairing one of our social events.
The list below is just a few examples of positions we're hoping to fill this year:
Please consider donating time during one of this year's meets and help us make this season one the kids will remember!
We have had great success and positive feedback about our fundraising efforts in past seasons.
This year we will have Spirit Wear, events, raffles, a Ladies Luncheon. We are just getting started, so stay tuned for more information.
Registration will be open in April. Visit us in person at the pool Saturday April 22nd and April 29th from 10-2 p.m. Bring your swimmer - APPCO will be available for suit fittings at that time.
Speaking of swim suits, something new! This year we will offer an affordable
one-year suit
If your swimmer prefers a brief or different style suit, you may
purchase a Royal Blue solid to conform with the team suit -- it's all good!
Swimmers must be sized in person at:
APPCO's Sports World (or at the pool during the registration times provided above)
614-616 Secane Avenue, Secane (near train station)
Tues-Fri 10:30 am to 7 pm
Sat 10 am to 6 pm
**Closed Sun and Mon**
Participation Fee: $55 per swimmer
$125 for families three or more swimmers
Payment Due: April 29th
This fee assists in covering expenses of meets, fees, gifts, participation awards, and a team
cap. Registration will begin April 16th. Visit us in person at the pool Saturday April 22nd and April
29th from 10-2 p.m. Please email the Boosters so we may provide you with Participation forms.
We will be providing Participation Forms in April. Forms and payment must be presented
to the Treasurer or a Booster Board Member (because this just makes good sense).
swim team boosters